Friday, April 15, 2011

Biggest Haul Yet.... Check this out!!

Hope yall can have the same kind of success I had tonight.  I had $10 Kohls Cash expiring tomorrow so I decided to use it today.  I got $332 worth of clothes for $43!!!!! That made me SUPER excited.  I got a lot of good stuff.  One of my items was a $55 mans shirt for $4. 

Good luck on you shopping adventure :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paid $9 for a $30 bottle of Claritin!!! :)

My patience paid off on this one.  I have been searching for a good deal on Claritin.  I really did not want to have to pay $30 for it!  I found a lot of things in the Rite Aid sale paper that we needed and I had coupons for all of the items I bought.  It thing I bought was on sale + I got the UP reward on my receipt.  I paid for all those items first and collected all my UP rewards on the receipt.  Then I purchased the Claritin.  Claritn was $30 for 60 tablets.  I used the $4 in store coupon, $7 coupon from Sunday's paper, plus the $10 UP rewards.  So I paid $9.27!!!  :)  :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saved $70 dollars today!

CVS was a little disappointing this week as far as earning more extra bucks.  But, I did manage to come out great on some sales and using coupons and extra bucks from last week.  I did earn $10 this week and used it on a second purchase for today.

I have a great plan with lots of coupons and rewards at rite aid planned.  I hope I can make it there tomorrow.  I have a long list but fully intend on saving a lot of money.